Prints or full resolution digital downloads for many of the images on this website can be purchased by clicking the shopping cart icon in the bottom left of the lightbox page. Physical prints are high quality and fulfilled by White House Custom Colour, and will typically arrive in about one week.
All photos are licensed under the following Digital Image License.
My images by default are organized chronologically by year and location, please pull down under the BUY PHOTOS menu to each year and location submenu. If you prefer to search by image tag, please use the following Tag Cloud. (You will need to go back to the top menu and reselect this search page to pick a different tag.)
- 716
- abaco
- aerial
- anegada
- atlantic ocean
- bahamas
- Baytowne Wharf
- beach
- birds
- birds in flight
- birmingham
- black skimmer
- blue heron
- bokeh
- bonita beach
- bottlenose dolphins
- breckenridge
- British Virgin Islands
- Buffalo
- BVI's
- california
- candid
- canyons
- Captain Sams
- caribbean
- carlin
- charleston
- cliffs
- cloudporn
- clouds
- Colorado
- crab
- DE
- Destin
- dof
- dogs
- dolphins
- driftwood
- drone
- dubai
- edisto
- edisto river
- eleuthera
- elko
- Estero
- estero island
- exuma
- fauna
- feathers
- florida
- florida keys
- flowers
- foilboarding
- foiling
- fort myers
- frankfurt
- Frankfurt am Main
- furnace
- germany
- golden hour
- golden retriever
- grace bay
- Grand Isle Resort
- grapes
- great egret
- great exuma
- grenadines
- gulf
- Gulf of Mexico
- hatchlings
- hawaii
- heron
- hesse
- history
- horizon
- hummingbirds
- hydrofoil
- ibis
- industrial decay
- industrial decline
- industrual decay
- industry
- island
- Jeff Davis
- Jeffrey J Davis
- johns island
- jost van dyke
- keys
- kiawah river
- kiteboarding
- kuleto
- landscape
- light rays
- loggerhead turtles
- long bay
- long exposure
- lover's key
- lowcountry
- LoyalToTheFoil
- marine mammals
- marsh
- mining
- miramar beach
- montana
- motion
- mountains
- mustique
- napa
- nature
- nevada
- newmont
- New York
- night heron
- night photography
- norman island
- NY
- oahu
- ocean
- orange
- osprey
- overseas highway
- palm island
- panorama
- pelican
- pelicans
- peter island
- phoenix
- pier
- pink
- providenciales
- provo
- purple
- red
- reflection
- reflections
- rockies
- ruby crest trail
- ruby mountains
- sand
- Sandestin
- santa cruz
- seabrook
- seabrook island
- seabrook island SC
- seabrook island south carolina
- shore
- shorebirds
- shoreline
- shrimp boat
- shrimper
- silo
- silo city
- skimmer
- sky
- sloss
- sloss furnace
- snow
- snowy egret
- Sony A7
- Sony A7iii
- Sony Apha
- south carolina
- spanish wells
- stock
- strand feeding
- street photography
- sun
- sun rays
- sunrise
- sunset
- surfing
- trees
- turks and caicos
- turtle patrol
- turtles
- underwater
- urban
- urban decay
- urban relics
- village of baytowne wharf
- vineyard
- water
- waterfall
- waves
- wild birds
- wild florida
- wildlife
- wilmington
- wind
- winery
- www.jeffreyjdavis.com
- yellow
- yellow crowned night-heron